
Separation Anxiety In Infants and Children

Oct 06, 2022

As parents/caregivers, we may/may not be aware that our children go through waves of separation anxiety, especially in the pre-verbal stages. By understanding when and why separation anxiety starts and peaks, we then can be aware and offer support our children while they are moving through these stages.

Separation anxiety is children’s fear of being away from their parents or caregiver. It is a normal emotional stage of development that starts when babies begin to understand that things and people exist even when they're not present – something called "object permanence.“ Children with separation anxiety might cry or cling to their parents or caregiver when being separated from them.

It can be difficult for pre-verbal children to articulate separation anxiety. Our little ones are still growing and discovering new feelings each day, often not knowing the “name” of the feeling so they can “tame it”. As our children become more verbal this...

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