
How to Manage Bedtime Without the Screen by Julie Mallon

Dec 06, 2023

We are now starting to understand the positive impact of quality sleep on overall health, mood, and cognitive function, not only for us as adults but even more importantly for our children.

The research also supports how important it is to Involve the entire family in establishing a consistent bedtime routine that prioritizes winding down routine and most importantly one that does not include screens.

Such research includes that of the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) whose recommendations suggest avoiding screens at least an hour before bedtime for young children and two hours if they are two years or under.

The main reason for this recommendation is due to evidence on Blue Light and how exposure to screens emits blue light which then affects melatonin production in young children, impacting their sleep, by disrupting their internal biological clock.

Living in the Digital World where trying to avoid the screen is getting harder but I would suggest, to support better sleep...

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